Monday, February 6, 2012

Deep fryers and locker shoving: Matt's story

My little brother Matt also had the (mis)fortune of shared childhood memories in Mine Hill, N.J. Now 14 and going to high school in a different time, Matt takes a look at Mine Hill where he still resides.

Positive: I got my first job at the Mine Hill Beach when I turned 14 working at the snack bar. On my first day, the deep fryer overflowed. I was mopping up grease from all over the floor and countertops for what felt like forever. Then I went to the freezer to get something and a huge chunk of ice fell out and hit me on the back of my head. It didn't break skin, but it sure left a mark. I also got silly stringed by one of the lifeguards. The beach is relatively small. There's an area sectioned off for shallow water, but then there's also a few docks and a water slide in the deeper parts. I learned how to dive off those docks when I was 12.

Negative: At Canfield Avenue Elementary School I spent two of the most miserable years of my life. I was mercilessly  bullied for being smart and called a teacher's pet. It got to the point where I was being shoved into lockers. People also wrote threatening letters and shoved them into my books. I remember going to the principal and he said the only thing he could do was put them in detention. It didn't deter them and they kept on doing it.

Bottom line: Nothing stays private in this town, it's too small. I'm so happy my high school is in a bigger town where people don't treat you as an outcast just because you're smart.

1 comment:

  1. Liz, I can tell already that this is going to be a really interesting blog. There was a certain nostalgic feeling I got from your first two posts that kind of makes me think of the past and all my own childhood memories: the good and the bad. I am really excited to hear more of these stories that you tell us. I do, however, have a question: I didn't understand how the most recent post was Matt's story. I guess I was just kind of confused, but I will probably read it again after I comment. Also, the positive and negative sections were both good on their own, but I would love it if you could connect them somehow (maybe you have), but they seemed like two separate stories. Do you know what I mean? Or is this all too vague? Overall, good job, Liz.

    Chris Daniels
